Wednesday, September 11, 2013

I am a bad blogger, and I am ashamed...

    I have NO idea why I sucked so hard at blogging this Summer. My shame is almost unbearable. I love blogging, and I want to do better so I'm jumping right in. Here are some recaps from our awesome Summer (which FLEW by!)......

The kids got out of school.....

Avalon turned FIVE and had an amazing party :)

We had a ton of Summer fun in our gorgeous neck of the woods.

The kids had such a happy Summer and grew so close to one another.

Flynn was stuntman for a day.

We painted our house.

And generally had an awesome time..... but all good things must come to an end. Now they are back to school....

    We are in the middle of week two, and there has been a bit of drama for Flynn. I'm hoping that we can get everything straightened out, and that all three kiddos will have a great year and learn lots!! I am feeling a bit lost in the mornings after I get off work and anxiously count down the time until the bus comes. I miss those kids while they are gone! I can only take so much peace and quiet, but it also means more time to blog, which is good, I suppose :)