Monday, April 14, 2014

I am an anchor.

    In October I cut my finger and it was quite gory. Stitches, blood, the works. I cut my ring finger, the glass sliced right under my wedding ring, and the ring was off for about 2 months. One day, excited to see how much the swelling had gone down, I slipped the ring on and it got stuck. Oh. Giant wad of scar tissue. I bought a dinky sterling silver ring that fit and I slipped it over the lump. It fit, but 2 hours later I had swelling and an electric sort of nerve pain and numbness up my pinky. Nope. Yada-yada-yada....... I decided a tattoo was the answer (isn't it always?).

   So I got this little dude. An anchor, right up there on franken-finger. An anchor, I decided, was about stability. An anchor is the life I've made and the way it ties me to the earth. In my darkest moments I have said and felt that I was a ship without an anchor but that feeling hasn't happened for a quite a little while. An anchor, or the thought of one, felt like safety. So, I went in one sunny Friday. The artist asked if my husband was in the Coast Guard and I said no. He gave me a funny look, shrugged and continued. The finger is one of the worst places to get a tattoo, in my opinion, for SO many reasons, but I did it anyway.

     Today I decided that I am the anchor. I was walking in the forest and thinking. In January, I made sort of a goal. I mean truly, it was New Years resolution, a silent, mildly embarrassing one. I am of the mind that self-improvement shouldn't be something vaguely grasped at in a brief and feverish rush from January 1st through the 15th. But I made one, and it was to strive to be someone that I admired. I haven't always been, but I know that I could be someone brave, and kind and full of goodness. Someone silly and fun. Someone, honest, with myself most of all.

    I was feeling sort of discouraged, because I felt that I had been falling short on my goal. You see, my life has been a bit.... bewildering lately. There have been events and even circumstances, and I feel that I haven't done as good of a job rising to the occasion as I know myself capable of...... But, there I was, walking in the woods alone, standing up, feeling rather okay in general. I had bear spray, a paperback and a banana in my purse and the afternoon was mine. As the sun made all the new growth, wild ginger and salal, shine an almost fluorescent green, I realized that I was the anchor. The things happening around me, weren't me. I realized that even though I may not have the events and circumstances that I would prefer, I could have the SELF that I admired. My circumstances, the things around me, they are not the anchor. My self is the anchor and I am strong, and sunk deep enough. So my ship will ride the storm out, carrying all the things it's made out of, even though the waves beat against it. 

    That's something I know today, that I didn't know yesterday.


1 comment:

  1. Lauren, I am currently on a medical odyssey to try and find out what is going on with my 2 going on 3 year old daughter. This 'Waiting for "Mama"' blog is old and not used but you can see a baby picture of Anna. Anyways, I was on today and saw your daughter's picture and thought my Anna and your daughter could be sisters. I flipped when I started reading the symptoms your daughter had, so much is the same with my Anna. We have been down many different diagnoses at this point, Laundau Kleffner, Leukodystrophy and now an unknown rare genetic disorder. We will be doing exome testing and genetic counseling in the future and Anna is being presented at a genetics conference next week. I stalker-mommed you and found this blog and I really wanted to connect with you. If you see this, could you email me at
